====== About me ====== Bought my first real effect when I was 15 or 16, so that must've been at the end of the eighties of the last century. It was an [[http://www.effectsdatabase.com/model/ibanez/10/mt10|Ibanez MT10 Mostortion]]. Not sure why I bought specifically that one, I think because it was on sale at [[https://www.timmermuziek.nl/|Timmer Muziek]] for like 120 Gulden which is something around €60. It sounded great with my cheap Avora amp and when I got myself a Marshall JCM900 half stack it sounded great too. I even bought a spare one on eBay for I think €90. Then I switched to old London City DEA130 amps, tried some other drives and distortions (TS9, Fulltone Fulldrive 2, MXR Distortion+, Zoom PD-01) but I kept going back to my good ol' Mostortions. {{gallery> :about:power10s.jpg?600x400 }} The London City amps are amazing but unfortunately they can be very unreliable. At a certain moment my second spare broke down while the other spare and my main amp were already at the amp tech. That's when I decided to buy a new and reliable amp and settled for a custom made [[https://www.koolamplification.com/Products/Amps/Straight-8|Kool & Elfring Straight 8]] with plain tolex. Again the Mostortions, one as a drive and one as a distortion, just ripped on that amp. Currently I'm using them on a Vox AC30 and the Vox just eats them like cake. So they've been my staple for more than 3 decades now. {{gallery> :about:london_cities.jpg?showtitle&lightbox&400x600 }} When it comes to other effects than overdrives and distortions I'm not that adventurous. It's basically just delay (Boss DD-5), some reverb (EHX Holy Grail), an octaver (EHX Octave Multiplexer) and a fuzz (Big Muff Ram's Head clone). Got some choruses, phasers and loopers but they didn't make it to my current pedalboard. I've played around with digital effects a lot but I just prefer the sound and feel of analog effects. My first efforts with building my own effects started around 2007. I tried [[https://www.newtone-online.nl/forum/index.php/topic,1148.msg7113.html#msg7113|cloning a Coron Distortion 10]] (which I dubbed Aifa 10), designed and etched my own PCB, boxed everything up and... nothing. Hugely disappointed I stacked the effect somewhere. 11 years later when cleaning up I stumbled upon the effect again, dusted it off and with my improved soldering skills and better equipment I decided to check all soldering joints. To my amazement the effect just worked. So I said to myself, you know, you can do this! And I picked up building my own effects where I left it 11 years before and here we are now. {{gallery> :about:aifa10_gutshot_pcb_front.jpg?600x400 }} Enough small talk, my name's Jeremy and I go by the handle of autostatic on the interwebs. I've been very active for the Linux Audio community, helped out one of the first commercial endeavors that emerged from that community ([[https://www.moddevices.com/|MOD Devices]]) only to realise that I'm much more an analog guy. Got two kids, live in the beautiful town of Beverwijk (some might consider that a contradictio in terminis) in The Netherlands and I'm a DevOps engineer by trade. Oh yeah, I also play guitar and sing in a number of bands, currently [[https://www.ridethefader.com/|Ride The Fader]] and [[https://classicyou.nl/|Classic You!]]. {{gallery> :about:beautiful_beverwijk.jpg?600x400 }}