Vero builds

An overview of some of my attemps to build effects using vero (stripboard).


Le Suh 0.6mm silver wire.


Keep in mind that cuts have to be made in the copper traces on the bottom of the board. But since almost all layouts are seen from the top you will have to mirror the layout horizontally in order to get the placement of the cuts right.

Use a 1.5mm drill and make a hole manually and carefully at the spot you want to cut. Then take a precision knife and cut out the remaining copper trace.


I always try to add an extra hole on each side of the vero board. This way I can pull the offboard wiring through these extra holes. Before doing so I widen the holes with a 1.5mm drill. Then I solder the offboard wiring from the top of the board onto the bottom and pull them through the widened hole next to it. This way the offboard wiring can never go loose and cause trouble when boxing the effect.


Maximum width of a vero board is 21 holes when using a 1590B enclosure.


If the backside of a pot can touch the board use pot covers.
